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2023 Year-In-Review

NxGen COACH Network™ is a global leadership development firm dedicated to empowering and COACHing the next generation of leaders. Through varied programming, the firm enables diverse representation in executive leadership, boardrooms and beyond, recognizing how this shift will drive value creation for organizations and society.

With over a dozen events in four countries across two continents, the past year is a testament to our mission of cultivating the next generation of game-changing leaders from underrepresented communities worldwide. We’ve especially broken ground on three key practice areas - Leadership Capital, Social Impact, and Governance.

Read about some of our major highlights for 2023 and what the future holds.


Training Camp for Leaders with Archie L. Jones, Jr. Podcast Launch
Training Camp for Leaders with Archie L. Jones, Jr. Podcast Cover

In September, we launched our podcast "Training Camp for Leaders with Archie L. Jones, Jr." . This top ranked podcast will help you dream bigger and gain access to stories and actionable advice from today’s most accomplished business leaders and investors.

We’ve been fortunate to have some amazing guests across industries like James Connelly - partner at Womble Bond Dickinson, Ted Colbert – President CEO of Boeing Defense, Space & Security, Duriya Farooqui - Independent Board director at Intercontinental Hotels Group, the New York Stock Exchange and ICE, and Charles Gray - partner at Egon Zehnder. These leaders shared lessons from their personal and professional journeys.

"The Treasure You Seek: A Guide to Developing and Leveraging Your Leadership Capital" by Archie L. Jones, Jr.
"The Treasure You Seek: A Guide to Developing and Leveraging Your Leadership Capital" by Archie L. Jones, Jr. Book Cover

Additionally, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of the book, "The Treasure You Seek: A Guide to Developing and Leveraging Your Leadership Capital" by Archie L. Jones, Jr. This comprehensive guide promises to equip leaders with invaluable insights and strategies for harnessing their Leadership Capital. Through COACH Archie’s own story, the books lays out a roadmap with tools for cultivating the 5 Cs of leadership - Capability, Culture, Communication, Connection and Confidence. You can preorder your copy here.

Leadership Capital

Leadership Capital is a dynamic practice area that empowers leaders to drive change regardless of role. Our framework, focused on the 5 Cs - Capability, Culture, Communication, Connection, and Confidence, equips individuals with the tools to effectively grow and leverage their existing resources.

Leadership Capital Workshops

Since 2020, our Leadership Capital workshop, held both in-person and virtually, has become a pivotal catalyst for fostering Leadership Capital among diverse cohorts spanning sectors, regions, and ages. Universally relevant yet tailored to meet each cohort's unique needs, this workshop has become highly sought-after by a wide array of organizations and teams.

When unexamined, culture and history can so often become liabilities rather than the incredible strengths they are for our journeys forward. The workshop serves as transformative experiences for individuals at various stages of their leadership journey, guiding participants in uncovering hidden assets and better leveraging their Leadership Capital.

Highlighted Cohorts
Colorwave Fellowship Logo

Colorwave Fellowship: A non-profit dedicated to bridging social capital gaps in America’s innovation economy. The organization provides career-defining opportunities to underrepresented professionals in the venture-backed ecosystem.

“The session was eye-opening. It really changed my perspective on my cultural background. I never understood what I already possessed as a leader!” - Participant, Colorwave Fellowship

NxGen COACH Network Leadership Capital workshop for Harvard Club Kenya

Harvard Club of Kenya: The premier Harvard alumni association, network, and programming body in East Africa. The session brought together Harvard alumni across disciplines and schools, from law to education and entrepreneurship.

NxGen COACH Network Leadership Capital workshop for HBS Africa Research Center

The Harvard Business School Africa Research Center: A center to develop and strengthen relationships with business and academic leaders across sub-Saharan Africa. The session engaged with individuals at the center focused on supporting businesses to be a driving force for development in the region.

“The session broke down for me the importance of time and the forms of capital already within our grasp. It’s true that every opportunity costs, but the ones you don’t take can be the most expensive for you.” - Participant, Africa Research Center

NxGen COACH Network Leadership Capital workshop for Harvard Business School Social Enterprise Upswell Forum

Upswell Forum, a Harvard Business School Social Enterprise Initiative: A forum to accelerate the impact of social entrepreneurs moving their organizations from start-up to growth phase, with a focus on organizations serving communities of color. 

“This is like therapy without the copay. Thank you for taking us to church today.” - Participant, Upswell Forum HBS Social Enterprise

Portfolio Improvement Rule (PIR) for Life Workshop

The PIR for Life workshop teaches individuals to manage the balance between risk and return while developing a plan for their personal growth, professional development, and social impact.

Project Evident Logo

Project Evident: An organization amplifying leadership impact through expanded access to tools. Project Evident leaders are shifting in the way we understand and act on what works in the social and education sectors.

“I think the most important takeaway was to not be afraid to take risks professionally and to take risks that could possibly have large payoffs.” - PIR for Life Workshop Participant, Project Evident

Social Impact

Archie L. Jones, Jr., Founder of NxGen COACH Network, with Haddy Coulibaly, Founder of Elev8 Foundation
Archie L. Jones, Jr. with Haddy Coulibaly, Founder of Elev8 Foundation

We created a Joint Venture in partnership with Elev8 Foundation for economic development in Africa focused on three key areas: education, health and entrepreneurship. Elev8 was founded with the purpose of identifying, developing, and making available, educational, health, and financial resources to children and mothers in undeserved communities.

NxGen COACH Network Social Impact in Africa - The Gambia

Starting with The Gambia, we constructed boreholes to provide a clean water source for two schools, initiated a scholarship fund to ensure quality and affordable education for underserved youth, began construction of a first-of-its-kind healthcare center for women and children, and established an office in The Gambia to keep expanding our support to the community. As part of this joint venture, we are also supporting Innovarx Global Health, a startup ensuring accessible premium health care solutions.


Governance Training Camp at Womble Bond Dickinson

NxGen COACH Network Governance Training Camp
2023-24 Governance Training Camp Fellows

We launched our first cohort of the Governance Training Camp led by our founder and CEO Archie L. Jones, Jr. in partnership with Womble Bond Dickinson (US). The Governance Training Camp is a curated program for experienced leaders and executives across sectors to elevate their Leadership Capital. The select Fellows from leading companies learn through the experience of our COACHes, sitting boardroom directors and each other. This intimate setting allowed Fellows to explore their own experiences as underrepresented leaders striving to take their journey to the next level.

Looking Ahead to 2024

As we stride into 2024, our commitment to fostering new faces for leadership remains unwavering. NxGen COACH Network™ is excited to collaborate with partners globally to continue working on game changing initiatives in entrepreneurship, education and leadership development across demographics and cultural contexts.

Guided by our vision of creating a world where every leader from underrepresented communities has the tools, networks, and skills to drive meaningful change, we remain open to partnership and opportunities. Together with every partner, we are shaping a future where leadership transcends boundaries.


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